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Re: [DL] curiosity (Doomtown based question)

> Malrog and Enoch just seemed like kind of generic monstery types to me.
We'll probably get details on "people" remarkably like them in the Black

Malrog and Enoch are "degenerate" members of the family. Inbreeding and
black magic tend to do that sort of thing...As does "mixing" with
supernaturally evil entities, if you know what I mean.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Say no more! :-)

> Tzipporah...ah Tzipporah. When I saw the promo flyer for Reaping of Souls,
I was SO impressed. Amazingly wonderful piece. I'm hoping to pick up a print
at Gencon if rk post has any there.
> The newest set has revealed a bit more of her past. Somewhere along the
line, she had some kind of connection to "Mr. Bones," a grifter and
cardsharp, who may possess gypsy blood [check out the item "Gris-Gris" and
the spell "Bad Blood" for the text]. Presumably she'll play a bigger role as
the story continues, seeing as how most of the human Whateley's died in the
big battle.

As time goes on, you're going to find Tzipporah has some very potent
friends, in...low places.

> Ezzie, we still know very little about. Patrick [Kapera] seems like he's
on the ball, though, so I'm betting he'll add a little bit about her here
and there.

Patrick is _so_ on the ball, it's scary! :-)

I talk with him at least once a week anymore and we constantly exchange
emails on the CCG/RPG tie-ins. Let's just say I read over his outline for
this next story-arc and it was 40-odd pages! There's a _lot_ of stuff
happening in Doomtown in the future.
