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Re: [DL] Does anyone have a way...

At 05:05 PM 6/4/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a way to determine on what date a full moon would have
>occurred in 1876, I need to know in order to properly set up an upcoming
>adventure I am working on.  Thanks in advance.

This is the site I use.  


It gives the moon phase for day, month, year, time and some time zones from
1800 to 2199.  What I like to do is show the moon phase for every day
during my game.  That way if the adventure I'm using has a tie in to the
moon phase, it's not a giveaway when I suddenly start mentioned the phase.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Margaret Thatcher:
There was simply no alternative!