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Re: [DL] Howdy and a question!

If you can get it, the best Deadlands music I've found so far is the
Straight to Hell soundtrack.  It has a rendition of the theme song for
"the good, the bad and the ugly," done by the Pogues (though honestly,
it's the worst song they ever did before Shane MacGowan left the band,
IMnsHO). The music overall is perfect western music, with the unique
advantage that it was done mostly by the Clash (plus, if any of you read
The Preacher, I'm fairly certain that Garth Ennis was listening to this a
lot while writing it).
And if you want a really appropriate container for your fate chips, try
hollowing out the skull of an apache brave that you scalped yourself.

On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 22:31:22 -0700 "Scott Woodard" <ogma01@earthlink.net>
> Apart from Pinnacle's own music CD and various Ennio Morricone 
> tracks, what
> other music suggestions do you all have for background tapes/CDs?  I 
> tend to
> have stuff playing during our games for atmosphere, but I need to 
> put a
> fresh new compilation together!

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