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Re: [DL] What will Goff be running at the cons?

This one sounds like fun!,  How do you get in on it.


"Yes I know it's a stupid question, but it's been a long day an somebody needs
to ask it."

"Phalen, Pat" wrote:

> Deadlands: Hell on Earth: Mile High March
> The earth vanished in a cloud of irradiated ghost rock bombs. Monsters
> crawled forth from the ashes. Fanatical cults and despotic warlords rose in
> their wake. The greatest of these is the robotic ar y of the Co bine and
> their army of "Black
> Hats," human scum looking for an excuse  for slaughter. Now they say the
> Combine is about to rise from its stronghold in Denver and conquer the rest
> of the Wasted West. Your team has been summond by the new "Iron Alliance"
> struggling to oppose them. Can  Junkyard, the new Templars, skypirates, and
> a handful of Doomsayers and the wasters prove more than a speedbump to the
> Combine? Test your "metal" in one of the toughest adventures you'll ever
> play.  Prizes (and body
> bags) provided by Pinnacle. Sponsor: Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
> Patrick