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[DL] Hexslingers [Goff]/[Long]

[Been out of touch for the last few days, but should say thanks to Ward and
John Goff for answering my last question (it always pays to be polite).
Anyway, on with the show.]

Just a quick question for he who revises all rules, annilates all players,
and he who created Hexslingers in the first place.

There seems to be a (growing?) group of folks that are of the opinion that
Hucksters and Hexslingers are too alike and that there should be more
differences between them (our resident Hexslinger thinks so), and as John is
already on the record as saying that he has not touched them in the
Hexarcana sourcebook I was wondering if there is any chance/hope of the
updating/revising/revamping of hexslingers in the future?  (delete as

I know there is at least one web site that offers alternate rules for making
Hexslinging that bit more different from Huckstering (forgotten which one,
at the moment) but is there any chance of official tweaking?
