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Re: [DL] Arcane Backgrounds and various other ramblings

--- Max Trebilcock <max.trebilcock@virgin.net> wrote:
> Hi List,
> As promised a while ago the latest of my Arcane
> Backgrounds:
> The Malform
> The Second new AB:
> The Maelstrom
> Main Page:

So I know this email was sent out back in Feb, but I
don't recall seeing any discussions about either of
the two suggested AB's: Maelstroms or Malforms.

Ok, correction, I remember a convo a while back saying
that Tempests were would-be Psychers.

My 2 cents.  I like both ideas ... sort of.

I think the Maelstroms are way over powered for their
cost.  A tempest costs 5 pts (with only 1 hex), while
a Maelstrom costs 3 pts (with the ability to use more
than 1 hex).  Granted the Maelstrom will have to pay
for additional hexes, which will cost some.  Has
anyone played with the Maelstrom idea?

Second, I really like the Malforms if used as a guide
for making Abominations.  With some work it would be a
useful tool for making unique new monsters to throw
against a posse.  The biggest flaw is there doesn't
seem to be much in the way of varity in choices for
them, and there arn't any deformaties/penalties
listed.  Has anyone played with them?

Somewhat spoilerish follows...


One thing that threw me in the history of the Malforms
was the idea of using mosquitoes to transmit Ghost
Rock Fever.  Now my view is that Ghost Rock Fever is
not a viral or bacterial illness, and therefor not
contagious from one person to the next.  It's a
physical condition and more closely resembles Black
Lung.  Therefor giant mosquitoes could not transmit
the disease.  At least that's my take on it. 
Wondering which viewpoint other marshals hold?

Flash from the past, while using the searchable index
on the deadlands archive site for Ghost Rock Fever I
came across this from Prince Nightchilde which gave me
a laugh: Pop Rocks (the candy) as a MS device:

There's a whole thread devoted to confectioneries,
oompa lumpas, and sugary monsters which starts at:

-Munch Wolf

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