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[DL] More hex questions

I've got another pile of questions regarding ambiguities in the
hex descriptions...

Silver Tongued Devil:  The summary gives range as "touch".  The
   text says that the /huckster's/ rolls are improved; is the
   range really "self"?

Soul Blast:  A dead man's hand causes instant death.  Can jokers
    be used to make a hand into a dead man's hand?  That is, if a
    huckster draws AS AC 8S 8C RJ, can she cast the red joker as a
    jack of diamonds and cause instant death, or does the dead
    man's hand have to be natural?

Talisman:  Summary says speed is two days.  Text says the process
    requires "...three full days".  Which?

"Hale 'n' Hearty" in Law Dogs is essentially the same as "Snake
    Oil" in Hucksters and Hexes.  What's the point?  Am I
    misreading something?

Previously, John Goff clarified that hexes that don't
specifically give a separate result for Jacks and just say "each
hand above the minimum" don't have different results between a
low pair and a pair of Jacks or better.  However, the text for
Hale 'n' Hearty (in Law Dogs) seems to contradict this:

"Every hand above the minimum eliminates another level. So, if
the hexslinger draws Jacks, he overcomes the effects of 3 wound

So:  is the earlier clarification wrong (jacks always counts as a
separate hand), is the text for Hale 'n' Hearty wrong (jacks
doesn't count as a separate hand), or do hexslingers differ from
hucksters in this respect?

Thanks as always for your consideration ...


Brett Neumeier

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