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[DL] Night Train: Defeated

    Okay, I'd had the Night Train Dime Novel since it came out.  I'd
heard all the horror stories from other Marshals on the list.  I'd read
through it and shook my head at what I thought could very well be the
end of my posse...  I was wrong.
    I started up my Deadlands campaign this weekend after a year away
from the game.  I decided to take a leap and start with the Night
Train.  I warned my players of other posse's who had met their demise at
the hands of this adventure.  It turned out to be one of the best
adventures we'd ever had.  Everyone jumped right into character a LOT of
fun was had.  I think everyone was becoming somewhat relaxed by the time
the train pulled into town.  In the end, everyone had spent all their
chips and the Mad Scientist went down due to wind loss.  But no one
died... well, no player characters died.  I'd like to say it was due to
excellent ideas and good planning.  It was actually due (a large part at
least) to a crossbow the Mad Scientist had designed which functions much
like the dynamite rifles Union Blue came up with to take out Automatons.

    Hmm, they thought that was hard... wait until I throw them into the
Devil's Tower trilogy. :-)

Mike Dukes