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Re: [DL] Coleridge based deadlands...

I was further thinking the opium could be used to send
the players to other
dimensions.  That sort of sounds dorky though, I am
not sure on that.  I was
just thinking I would do a "Dream Quest of the Unknown
Kaddath" sort of
thing.  Or sending the players to Kubla Khan, and
having them deal with
problems.  Maybe even cross over some Feng Shui/
Thorns of the Lotus typestuff.
That last bit is shacky.  Does anyone have any ideas?

ThanksTravel'n Jones

----> Why not make it so that the opium is merely the
way to put characters in the correct state of mind so
that it is easier to send their spirits/minds to this
dreamworld. That way it also accounts for people who
have 'vivid dreams', an especially deep sleep being
the only other way to accomplish this state of being.
Just a humble suggestion, but I hope it helps...

            - Marshal Thorn

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