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Re: [DL] WebRPG and Cardstock Cowboys (SHANE/John)

>Anyway, my group is going to be using WebRPG to run our Deadlands sessions,
>since one of the players decided to move.  I was wondering about the legal
>aspects of using the CC for minis.  They would have to be scanned in, and
>I'm not sure the license allows that.  I can make sure that only my group
>has access to the files, but I'm sure I'm missing something.  Anyway, is
>there any ruling from on high about this?

You pretty much hit the key in that they have to be scanned.  Pinnacle
can't give any official sanction to any activity where thier material is
reproduced and transmitted electronically.

Now, if you were to create your own cowboys - that would be perfectly fine.
 But Pinnacle has t protect their rights to their artwork.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Everybody dies.  Whether you die on your feet or on your knees, is entirely
up to you.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Any Late Evening News Anchor:
The chicken crosses the road. Film at 11:00.