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Re: [DL] A quick question

>      I like this idea a lot, actually. Perhaps the villain could be a
> deranged Blessed has lost the favor of God, and is trying to get His favor
> back by wiping out sinners. It seems to work in that he gets his powers
> back, but the things that are granting those abilities to him are
> not God. The trickiest part here would be structuring the murder
> spree/sermon so that the players don't instantly say, "Hey! This is just
> like Se7en!" Maybe switch to the 10 Commandments or the plagues of Egypt
> instead of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Yeah, I was thinking about that last problem, but I'm pretty sure none of
'em have actually seen Seven (*gasp*). Even so, they all know about some of
the infamous scenes etc... So, maybe the first couple could be as per movie,
but then the others are like the commandments etc... ("And now for something
completely different..."). My only trouble would be trying to be as original
and gruesome as the movie with my new sins or commandments or whatever. As
for setting, I was thinking maybe in New York or something, or some big
city, which would make for slightly different adventurin' than your average
homestead bash-up. The other problem is that, as I said, the posse are all
hack 'n' slashers, and I'm afraid they'd lose interest without someone to
shoot or maim, so maybe I'd have give the psycho-preacher man some buddies
to help him out and give the posse something to shoot along the way. I feel
this would spoil the atmosphere though, so maybe I'll just save this
adventure for when the posse's more mature and they go a day without
shooting something.

> > * An adventure based on the movie Deadman, with a little modification.
>      Hurm. I know it's a big favorite on this list, but I personally
> care for Dead Man. It had some excellent performances in it, but the plot
> felt kind've aimless and that Indian sidekick annoyed the hell out of me.
> Personal tastes, I suppose.

Yeah, it didn't hold up too well in the end, but I still like the basic
premise and the characters. I was thinking I could discreetly find out how
much money they all have, and tell them they've been offered a job in
Machine, but the train ride will cost (however much I worked out they have,
minus a dollar or two), but they'll be re-imbursed when they arrive. So they
go but find the job taken, and stuff happens more or less as per the movie.
A crazy indian known as Nobody, (call me mad, but I liked him), helps 'em
out, etc... I think I'd add something more to the plot though, a twist or
something, make it a bit more playable. Some characters I want to include,
are the train-driver, the buffalo hunters, the rich-man, the three
back-stabbing bounty-hunters, William Blake ("Have you read my poetry? BLAM
BLAM BLAM" I love that bit), and the flower-selling girl. Another slant on
the movie I had was that the posse are hired to track down and kill a
murderer known as William Blake, but they have to compete with other
bounty-hunters etc... So, put the posse in other shoe.

>      Ooh. This is neat, too. One quibble. If all of the suspects are
> of something bad, then you might want to throw in some explanation as to
> this particular town is so seeded with evildoers. Maybe there's a pagan
> hidden in the hills somewhere nearby which poisons the minds of everyone
> living nearby, maybe the town's living under a curse, or maybe the
> between this place and the Hunting Grounds are just particularly weak. The
> adventure possibilities of a place where everyone has skeletons in their
> closet (sometimes quite literally) are almost endless.
>                                                 ---Ghoull

Yeah, this is my favourite, so I think I'll run this first. Thanks for the
tip, I hadn't really considered the fact as to why there as so many guilty
people in this town. And the idea of the _whole_ population being guilty of
something is even better. The posse'd get really paranoid as they find out
everybody has a secret.


Tim, a.k.a Dan Wesson, alias: Dynamite Dan

Oh, and thanks everybody with the pronunciation thing.