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Re: [DL] Self Exorsism

--- Kirk Monsen <munchwolf@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Of course the
> thing to think about is since it takes 8 hours, if
> the
> manitou could take control of the Harrowed body for
> that long I think he could do more vendictive things
> that try to escape.  Killing spree comes to mind. 
> Burn down that church your harrowed just help build,
> or better, have the character wake up naked with no
> equipment or money in the middle of who knows where.
> Other people arn't the only targets of a manitou.


Yes, I'm replying to myself.  Thinking about it he
might feel persecuted if he wakes up naked in a field.
 Maybe just try being subtle at first.  When the
character is by himself, spend a chip.  Don't say
anything, or mention any blackouts.  When the
character tries to use his gun there's no bullets in
it, nor does he have any reloads in his packs.  The
manitou took over and threw them all away.  Later
spend another chip.  When he tries to buy something he
has no money.  The manitou threw all that away as
well.  An artifacts, another chip, and so on.  Take
away all the little things the make him a munchkin. 
Stuck in the middle of nowhere, spend a chip, tell him
he blacks out, and he wakes up eating his now dead
horse.  Slowly screw him until he cures his munchkin
ways.  If he doesn't, it only takes one chip to light
a stick of dynamite and place it in his mouth.

-Munch Wolf

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