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Re: SV: [DL] Need ideas for a new campaign

>> Oh - and don't miss out on the reintroduction of the players to the now NPC
>> Blessed - who is a devout and high ranking member of Grimme's clergy, and
>> his dismissal of the posse's warnings - for he is strong in the faith and
>> under the divine protection of Rev. Grimme .   :-)  
>That goes without mention. But does he know Grimme is evil? Is he evil?

Of course - his Blessed powers have been turned into Black Magic.

Again - rewriting the past to keep the players off balance.

>> This would also be a time to introduce them into the changes in the city of
>> Lost Angels as was detailed in the book.  Yet another historical change to
>> keep the players off balance.  
>Well, as mentioned, I really want to tie Devils Tower into all of this,
mainly so that the players know a little first hand about HoE before we
actually play it. Then there's Stone...

Well.  Salt Lake City is in between Denver and California. . . 
But, if you go with the above hook, you will need to tie it to the Heart of
Darkness adventure instead - once the party has a whiff of the overplot,
the monetary hook of the HoD plot will probably be ignored.

>> And, at some point, when the posse has become too much of a thorn - then
>> their old buddy, the good ex-Blessed buddy of theirs, is sent to come
>> a'calling. 
>That guy, with Bolts of Doom - My gawd. But is he evil....? ;-D

Far, FAR worse is that he knows the posse and how at least some of the
members act and react.

Remember - in real life, they hired a friend of Billy the Kid to hunt him
It worked too.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Everybody dies.  Whether you die on your feet or on your knees, is entirely
up to you.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Ben Stone (Law and Order):
Because the defendant made it, sir.