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Re: [DL] A Query for all you Marshal

> I have been given an interesting dilemma in the Deadlands game I run.  You
> see, the posse I run with, they're the type to shoot first and forget any
> questions that may be asked.
> Well some ideas to curtail their behavior, or an adventure idea or a
> adventure that forces them to use more then their guns!
> Any ideas folks?
> Doc Dread
> "Yeah, well maybe my mother did pick out this suit, So!"
> _____

Heres my slant on the whole thing.  i had sorta the same problem but they
weren't roleplaying it very well kinda the I shoot it then I overawe the
lynch mob scenerio.

I set the whole thing in lost angels.  That is the best town in the whole
world to frustrate a posse.  Buy the book lost angels use every fear
mongering tecnique you can think of.  Scare the crud out of both the players
and the characters.  Use beasts from rascals varmints and critters, but
inside of lost angels the fear level of 5 will make any guts checks totally
pointless because they will fail anyway.  Second lost angels is wait a sec

Spoiler space

Totally against any kind of arcane background so you can bump off any pushy
hucksters or blessed real quick.  Third just tell them the truth about
grimme or let them find out on their own.  If they kill him they are as good
as dead and won't make it out of town.  Lynch their characters with mobs of
avenging angels and rabid townsfolk and then start fresh.  Raise grimme from
the dead and say that was a different world.  Your new characters don't know
anything about the lost angels health spa so you can't do anything about it.
This should really make them mad.

ok in the intrest of space and boredom I will include the desperation
measures for if your posse is really bad.

Black Chips, lots of them.  I mean remove all the blue and replace them with
black.  Tell them that seriously bad karma follows them everywhere and that
they need to make either a fresh start or some serious atonement.  For every
good deed they do replace one of the black chips with a blue one.

The sicko manuver: lead them off into the woods of arkasas after some band
of solid gold, fountain of youth guarding chipmunks that the local town
cryer has blurted out or highered them to find.  Then when they get lost in
the woods (which they definitly will) looking for the non-existant chipmunks
knock them uncousoius take all their weapons and introduce them to the cast
of deliverance.  I garentee they will either quit in disgust or be a bit
more curtous towards the NPCS.

On a final note if they ever use the words "You can't do that.  It's against
the rules!"  Simply reply, "Sure against the rules as you understand them."
This really scares the crud out of people.

Ron Conner
I'm the marshal I can do whatever I want.