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[DL] Re: Playing the Dark Side...

For the question at 
namely, are evil PCs OK, we must ask ourselves, what
type of evil are 
talking about?

---->  You're all getting so darn philosophical I
thought I should throw in my penny's worth...

    Evil can be kind of subjective. As far as a
selfish person is concerned, his actions may not be
evil at all. Killing a person, even in self-defence is
evil (Judaism and Christianity have this as a big
no-no in their Commandments, I don't know about other
religions). But if a person's actions have the intent
of good coming out of them (stealing the cure for a
disease to give to people who need it), is that evil?

    I think there is a difference between being -bad-
(doing bad things out of selfishness or necessity) and
being -evil- (mudering for the sake of it, or to serve
a dark purpose. This means that stealing a kid's toy
just to see her cry is evil, but certainly then there
are degrees of evil. And serving the Reckoners is
definately evil.

    I would let a PC be bad (in fact one of my PCs-
Angel-Eyes, is not a nice man), but only NPCs serve
the Reckoners, simple as that.

           - Marshal Thorn 
     (Tinhorn with an honours degree in Bullsh*t)

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