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Re: He returns!!! (was: [DL] NPR and the Civil War)

It's Hal!  Hey, everybody, Hal's back!  Mind you, it's not HAL, the thing I
waste approzimately 60% of my life in front of, but Hal, the former brand
manager of our beloved Deadlands!  Tell us, Hal, what have you been up to in
the last few months?

> However, he does sometimes talk like Elmer Fudd. A friend of Chris
> McGlothlin's and myself had a friend who took one of Robertson's classes.
> Skip's time in that class led to him regaling us with some classic
> "Wobertsonisms"
> "And it wained, and it wained..."
> "The devastation was absowutewy howwable."

Did he ever talk about mawwage?

Nick "MAN AND WIFE!  SAY MAN AND WIFE!!!" Zachariasen