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Re: [DL] Going to Far? (OT)

They had it and I was so close to buying it that I could taste the trail
dust in my mouth.

Allan Seyberth wrote:

> At 06:51 PM 3/31/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >I got cha beat, I got the entire set in one shot... minus the 2 books I
> >already had that got me addicted in the first place.
> >
> >> So... Am I hooked or what?
> Ah.
> But do either of you have the full leatherbound revised edition rules?
> -------------------
> Allan Seyberth
> darious@darious.com
> Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands
> Everybody dies.  Whether you die on your feet, or on your knees, is
> entirely up to you.
> Why did the chicken cross the road?
> Martin Luther King:
> It had a dream.
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