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Re: [DL] a questioning player (MAJOR SPOILERS!)

At 09:24 AM 3/31/00, you wrote:
> > "According to Book of the Dead, Vampires are "free willed"
>I don't remember the whole Book of the Dead, but if he as a player has read
>this, he might have been in the marshal section. And anyway, the BotD does 
>really tell anything about vampires (no stats, nothing). So the information
>there might be different from what is in RVC2.

Just to clear that up...

Well, in The group this player is in, we have about three different people 
(out of 6) who sometimes Marshal, tho two of them generally just marshal 
HoE. (I do both)
so for that group, we are pretty loose lipped overall (Loki, from the HoE 
list, is in this group, as is Damballah, also from the HoE list)

amusingly enough, my *other* DL group, for whom only I marshal, never reads 
those sections.  So I have to keep straight which group to keep spoilers 
from and which group not to bother cuz they will read it. ^_^

BTW, Thanks everyone who responded.  I will be printing those out and 
handing them over tomorrow.  If he has any commentary, I'll sum it up and 
send it, but in all likelihood, given how thorough you were, that is the 
last you'll hear of him. ;-)

In a multi-Marshal group, having consensuses on these things is 
helpful.  (we try to keep similar rulings) I know *I* tend to rule as you 
all do...personally, I see the "Corruption" the Vampires and Werewolves 
fight as more them fighting becoming monsters and less them fighting the 
Reckoner influence, but in the end, it is semantics.
It works for me.  I just have a little more ammo for the ol' group 
"theological" debates we have ever so often.

Thanks for your time