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Re: [DL] Improving Chi Powers (John Goff)

At 12:05 AM 3/31/00, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > I defiantly agree.  I just have 2 questions:
> >
> > 1-are you gonna keep Chi like Chi or make it like strain and adjust costs
> > 2-If keep it as per, are you gonna keep using the spirit coordination or
> > the Chi (aptitude) level? The latter makes more sense to me but thats just
> > my opinion.
> >
>In a perfect world, I'd move it to Strain (especially since when Martial
>Arts make their appearance in HOE they'll be "Strained" to keep in line with
>the setting's other ABs, and to reflect centuries of refinement under the
>increased access to the Hunting Grounds). However, I'm loath to make a major
>change to a rule set--especially one with as many loyal fans as Robin's
>Martial Arts.

good point.  My sole worry would be that would make MAs the one character 
type that does not transfer well to HoE system.

>Short of an act of God (or Shane <g>), it will stay the way it is. I'm going
>to have to consider the Chi situation as far as Spirit Coordination and
>Aptitude level. While the latter makes for a smoother flow, it does help
>limit massive Chi banking. :-)

heh. it does that....

Da Baron