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Re: [DL] Hexarcana Martial Artists

>Actually, I'm going to clarify it in Hexarcana. When doing _lethal_ damage,
>martial artists do get the bonus dice for hit locations. When doing brawling
>damage, they don't.

when doing lethal damage does the martial artist use the STR+1d6 formula that brawlin with a club does, to represent the more deadly force?  would the 1d6 increase as he became more skilled?

speaking of bonus dice, when the player's guide tells you to add 1 extra die to a damage roll for gizzards and two for the noggin how does that work in hand to hand? do you roll the extra die/dice separately and add it to the damage total or do you just add it do the number of times you roll the die?  pretty sure it's the latter but just being a parnoid newbie.

one other thing that's been buggin me while i'm on the subject of uncertainty.  page 117 player's guide under Test O' Wills:  it gives an example with Ronan recieving 2 raises on an overawe attempt and goes on to say that he gets a distracted result.  directly across from that the chart has 2 raises as being a broken.  i wouldn't bother you with this as it seems an obvious mistake but in reading the example they sound so damn sure of themselves!     

>And they can affect targets protected by armor. 

hey now that makes me think.  if some ornery fella up and punched say.. a brick wall, or a heavily armored opponent, how do you figure out the damage to his hand or if there is any?  roll his STR+some modifier for the armor level of the material?  just wondrin'

Part of my Devil's advocate
>approach is based on the fact that I'm playing a martial artist at the
>moment and don't want to "weasel" rules advantageous for my own sake. :-)

you can do whatever you want can't you?  ; )  

"It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to eat, sleep, or breathe anymore"  - undead rustler (adapted for use from Hollow Man)

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