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Re: [DL] Necronomicon? <spoilers>

--- "Leybourne, Brian" <Brian.Leybourne@airnz.co.nz>

> One of my players has just found a nasty
> necronomicon-style book. (It may
> *be* the Necronomicon, I have not decided yet)
> I want to use it to corrupt him (heh heh) but oh so
> slowly, so that he
> actually does it himself.

Have you read RV&C2 yet?  Under the section for
vampire and werewolf characters they rules for
corruption.  Just modify them a little for this case.
If the player reads the book give him a power from the
Book of the Dead at level 1.  Each time he uses that
power he gets a point of corruption.  For every 2
points of corruption increase the level by 1 or give
him a new power.  Don't tell him what the corruption
does, but tell him he gets corruption points.  Inform
him when he has access to newer abilities.  You chose
the abilities and how they really function, but select
powers that will help with the present situation. 
Inform him as the corruption builds that he feels the
power of the dark side pulling him in.  When he gains
as much corruption points equal to his spirit die type
he becomes an abomination NPC.  Oh, and like the rules
he can only lose corruption by spending a legend chip.
 If he loses the book he loses the powers (but keeps
the corruption) and as long as he has the corruption
he developes an obsession with getting the book back. 
He also developes an obsession to protect the book. 
Maybe even use the corruption as a basis for a
negative modifier for rolls in which he tries to give
up the book, or think about anything besides the book.
> So I thought that maybe initially he can draw on the
> book merely to do
> something minor, maybe it can minorly curse an
> opponent to miss in combat or
> something like that. Something evil but not so much
> that he'll really notice
> it is (because he's using it against evil opponents,
> and it's no more than
> hexes or favours can do) and move up, the effects
> getting better and better
> (eventually, he'll be convinced that raising zombies
> to battle evil is a
> good thing) and so on.

This idea should give this effect.

-Munch Wolf

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