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Re: [DL] [Tall Tale] Bill van Cleef I (long)

At 18:53 19.03.00, you wrote:
>I liked it, very well written.  I've always liked story's written from the
>player's point of view.  The only thing I had trouble with was figuring 
>out which
>characters were PC's and which were NPC's, I can't wait to see more, keep 
>it up.

Glad you liked it, I´ll post more when we´ve finished our second adventure.

As for who the players and NPC´s are:
The Texas Ranger and the Preacher were the characters of my fellow players. 
I had the honor of playing Bill van Cleef. I wrote this one up this 
weekend, as i didn´t want to learn for my exams (i just love distractions), 
and i really wanted to share the fun we had during the game...

The other characters, the sherrif and the Mountie were NPC´s.

Next time, our party will be Bill (Gunslinger), the Ranger and as a new 
addition, a Huckster. (The Priests player is marshallin´ this one) After 
that, Bill sets out on his own (Right, I´ll be marshallin´ that one ;-)

Coming attractions:
-Bill, the Ranger, and the Huckster in a deep undercover mission.
-See Bill van Cleef in the Fight of his Life at the Silver Springs Rodeo as 
unbeaten champion of the South against Bruce Lé!
                         (That much for remaining unnoticed)
-See the Texas Ranger volunteer for Deputy duty
                         (That much for remaining unnoticed II)
-Experience the thrill of investigatin´ a haunted house.
-See the Huckster contrive one get-rich quick scheme after another.

Volker A. Greimann