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[DL] Cardstock Coolness

Hey, folks.

Just had to drop you a note and tell you that I just got the latest PEG 
stuff from the store.  Man, am I so in love with the Carstock stuff.  This 
is absolutely a kick ass way to go on the minis angle.

The coolest?  That giant squid thing with the separate tentacles to  set 
around it.  Man, how inspired.  I SO want to find a way to use that, if just 
to place a snakey tentacle right next to a PC's mini.  hehee

Anyway, just thought I'd throw some praise out there.

Now, I want more Cardstock stuff. I think it's great because you have the 
uniform control on size, quality and color, and it's inexpensive.  Thank God 
for that.  I think the cut and paste and play angle is a wonderful one, 
mainly because the mini hobby is waaay to expensive to keep up with, much 
less the time involved in priming, painting, and playing.  This way is 
effortless.  Thanks, Shane and Co.

You know, if it catches on, they might want to think about Carstock 
buildings and other terrain.  Just an idea.  It'd be fun to put together a 
Prairie Tick infested shack and nest.  And from the looks of things in the 
industry, they might be at the forefront of a new wave of mini gaming.  
Affordable fun.

Mark M.
<End ass-kissing noise>
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