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Re: [DL] Firing and HtoH

>For two players trying to do the same thing, the person in hand to 
>hand seems to get penalized.  Player B, to my mind, has the harder 
>action with the thug moving around dodging and weaving and Player A 
>probably getting in the way.  My only problem is how to balance out 
>the shooting into combat situations without straying into the "look I 
>can dodge bullets" territory.  Does anyone out there have any 
>solutions?  I realise this has probably come up at sometime before, 
>but I couldn't see anything, hence this post.

Well, for a house rule I've used that trying to use a long firearm
(non-pistol sized) against someone in melee with you incurs a penalty equal
to the attacker's Fightin' skill.    ie the same penalty that someone
Fightin'  that person would face.
Pistols just incur a -1 penalty.

Now - for firing into melee from a distance.  No additional penalty.  But
if you miss then there is the chance of hitting your friend.  If you bust,
then you WILL hit your friend.  

>I also feel that there should be a greater chance of Player A getting 
>hit by Player B's bullet than the normal innocent bystanders rule (he 
>ain't a bystander and he most definitely isn't innocent).  I have 
>sorted out the following guidlines for what happens when Player B 

Agreed - but for simplicity's sake, I would just call it a 1-2 on the d6 roll.

Heh.  Depending on the dice, I'd keep an eye out for the chance to
overpenetrate the PC and hit the NPC - just to hear my players argue
"You shot me!"
"Well, I got 'im didn't I?"

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The chicken chose to cross the road in this decade not because it was easy,
but because it was hard.