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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20000312

> Solution the second:  The above works great for old spells that a huckster
> already knows.  But what about new spells that they learned?  In the old
> days the new spell was bought at level one and stayed that way for at
> one adventure.  But now you can buy a soul burst and right away start
> down lynch mobs like there is no tomorrow.  So For my posse when a new
> is bought it can only be used at level 1 until the huckster has cast it
> sucessfully twice the number of the next level.  So a new hex would be at
> level 1 till it was cast 4 times.  Giving the huckster a chance to learn
> use the spell wisely and keeping him from getting too powerful too fast.

I worte a post a while ago about this same subject and I like this system a
lot.  How would you do their beginning hexes? I thought two at level 3, two
at level 2 and one at level 5 would be fair if the huckster begins at
hexslingin 5.


> Hope this helps I know that it does for me.
> Ron Conner
> Marshal of the insane gunbunny runners