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Re: [DL] Discussion on RVC2, and Spoilers

Decided to combine my comments to Mr. Goff.

> > I liked the Legionaries, though I thought that Stating so many individual
> > Hangin' Judges was a bit much.
>Sorry to hear that--they were one of my favorites. We felt giving each of 
>the original five a distinct personality and abilities would make them 
>less "cookie-cutter." In fact, I'm toying with the idea of a central Texas 
>campaign built around eliminating the Judges...
In that sort of context I would have no problem with it.  Sounds like an 
interesting idea.
(notes the lack of commentary on The Cackler)

 >>A vampire, OTOH, has a much harder row to hoe.

You like that phrase, don't you?

 >BTW, I _am_ planning to rework Voodoo just a tad...
 >And, I ain't saying anything else just yet. :-)

*sigh* I do worry about this.  I hate to change the rules given how much 
this comes up in my games.

That said, You guys have yet to let me down on these things.  I have faith 
the new stuff will rock.  I just cannot help being nervous, ya know?
Anything you decide to let us know to prepare is quite welcome, on the 
Voodoo and the MA front.