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Re: [DL] Can you buy off Forsaken or Mark of Death?

>Two of my fellow gamers took Veteran of the WW, and now one is Forsaken and
>the other Marked for Death.  I play a blessed character, and so it really
>bums me out that I can only use my Lay on Hands on ONE other character, so I
>was wondering if the guy with Forsaken could buy off his "hindrance"?  If
>so, how much?

In my game - no way in heck.  The disadvantage to the VotWW edge is the
random hindrance.

IF I were to let a player buy one off - it would first take about 30-50
bounty points - to compensate for the 15 extra character points started
with,  and one incredibly tough and nasty adventure to justify it.  And
believe me, that PC is more likely to die then to survive that adventure.

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Albert Einstein:
Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken
depends on your frame of reference.