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[DL] Going to the game shop tomorrow. (WAS "All right. I'm here now.")

Nick Zachariasen wrote:

> > 1) One of my players wants to run Nikola Tesla as a Mad Scientist.  Is
> > his life in the Weird West setting already documented?  (i.e. does he
> > show up in any of the books/adventures already?)
> Unless I'm mistaken, I don't believe that Tesla "happened" until the early
> part of this century, something like the 30s or 40s.  I don't think he would
> have even been old enough to have been Mad Scientisting in the Weird West
> (unless perhaps he was a bit Dexter-ish).

Well, he's decided to take a different tack to the Mad Scientist character.  The
present idea for the character is that he and the party travel around the West
in a Zeppelin (Blimp?  Di-rigible?  Which is more appropriate for the setting?),
giving him access to his laboratory wherever they go.  (Fear not, I cut my teeth
GMing Paranoia.  I KNOW how to giveth and taketh away!)

Thus: Two more questions.  Hopefully, that can be answered by morning since, as
the title suggests, I'm going to my
not-so-local-but-everything's-cheaper-than-cover-price game shop.

1)  What level of Belongin's would this be?

2)  Earlier mention was made of the Smith & Robards catalog containing air
vehicles.  If they've got details on such an airship, it's moved from the "Be
kinda nice to have" list to "What I'm getting tomorrow" list.  Does it?

"The law, in it's majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to
sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." -Anatole France