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[DL] Re: Mood Music (Leaning OT)

> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 00:53:18 -0500
> From: Khyber@skybest.com
> Subject: [DL] Re: Mood Music
> BTW, someone placed Rush -- The Twilight Zone on their list, hate to say
> but that was penned and performed by Golden Earring ... a Dutch band (they
> also did Radar Love, but danged if I know much else by them).

Yeah, that's about all they did of note.  My brother lived in the
Netherlands for several years courtesy of the US Air Force and he told me
he'd seen them a few times in small, dingy biker bars.  Oh, how the mighty
have fallen, eh?

However, no offense but it is you who are mistaken.  YES, Golden Earring did
a song called "Twilight Zone" but Rush did one using the same title but a
VERY different song.  The Rush song was released on their "2112" album in
'76, never released as a single so I'm not suprised you haven't heard it...
didn't Golden Earring's come out in like '83 or so?  I seem to remember
being in high school about the time it hit.

Rush's "Twilight Zone" has a softer, mystical feel to the music and lyrics
much more befitting the title;
"You wake up lost in an empty town
 Wond'ring why no one else is around
 Look up to see a giant boy
 You've just become his brand-new toy
 No escape, no place to hide
 Here's where time and space collide"

(Me thinks Ghoull could do a good adventure with that quote!)

Actually, as a huge Rush fan, and considering their frequent leans toward
the mystical and mythological subjects in their music, its easy to find
songs that fit roleplaying, especially on their earlier albums;
Rivendell, Bacchus Plateau, The Fountain of Lamneth, Twilight Zone, Cygnus
X-1, Xanadu, the Hemispheres saga, Jacob's Ladder, Mystic Rhythms, Tai Shan,
Neurotica, Limbo... there's probably several more that work well just those
are the ones that came off the top of my head.

My group likes Loreena McKennit or Fleetwood Mac durring the pure
roleplaying times and then we kick it over to something with a more urgent
pace for fights or aggressive roleplaying situations.  Still searching for
just the right songs for times when I'm trying to build up tension.  Songs
that frequently change rhythm or have unusual rhythms seem to unsettle them
a bit.  Still experimenting with this angle...