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[DL] [HoE] My Templar Killed Stone...(Some Spoilers and Long)

In the game I've been running sense last August (just after HoE can out) the
Templar (Thomas Wolfe) in it was confronted by Stone and I deemed it time to
let them kill Stone.

A little background is needed to explain how.

The Templar and posse went back in time via Devil's Tower and the Hart of
Darkness adventures. They meet Stone and found his wallet with the tooth in
it. After they returned Stone tracked them down and started messing the
posse's plans. The posse had secured NORAD and one Nuke Missile. They hired
some Junkers to make it into a ship to get the posse Syker (Matt Lawton)
back to the Unity. Stone Impersonated the Lawton and caused the Nuke to leak
and kill everyone in the base. When the posse returned they found the Video
of the Lawton/Stone doing everything and assumed another Syker was behind it
and sealed the base for good. The set out to hunt the Syker.

the Wolfe's sword was destroyed in one adventure and was on a quest for a
new one. That's when they went through Something About a Sword and the Wolfe
found Evenor. I allowed him to keep it and they went back to work finding
the Syker/Stone.

Finally they found him and stood against him and several dozen Walking Dead.
In the end the Templar split Stone's head with Evenor and spending three
Legendary Chips. I allowed it, but a Walking Dead delivered the Dead Blow to
Wolfe and he died. I decided that Wolfe was bad-a$$ enough to come back
Harrowed if the Player wanted and he debated it and finally said yes after I
worned him it would not be easy on him with the other Templars. I told him
the Templar wouldn't hunt him down as long as he submitted himself to Simon
right a way and so he did. When I drew the card it came out Ace of
Spades...Stone, so as I saw it the Manitou in Wolfe's noggin was Stone
himself (by the way Wolfe had a 4d12 Spirit so Stone would have a 6d12 +2

What do you guys/gals think. Did I go over board or was it fitting.

Christopher Merrill
W.H.A.T.T. Member