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Re: [DL] 5 Deck of Cards - PS This will be long folks...

>But Jokers aside (I was really talking about the 5th suit, not the
>wildcards, they were an afterthought) the odds shouldn't change right?
>(Except for flushes?)

Ignore everything I just said.  

I forgot that on the second calculation you would actually be looking for 7
cards.  (4 other cards of value X, and 3 jokers), so that a third joker
would make it easier on hucksters in a five suit deck - due to increasing
the set of jokers by 150% and the rest of the card pool by only 125%.

Which is probably a strong enough gain to overwhelm the loss in the odds of
the suit based hands (flush, straight flush, royal flush) due to the
incredibly small chance those hands had anyway.

No - I've never had a statistics class. . . I was just born in Vegas, baby.

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

If it did.  Which I doubt.  Not that it matters.