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Re: [DL] Ripper Jack


I don't make 'em up - I just pass 'em on.  :-)  This guy has sent some
other cool stuff to the deadlands@aol.com account, but I've just forwarded
them on to Zeke.

At 07:01 PM 1/11/00 -0800, you wrote:
>--- Deadlands@aol.com wrote:
>> >
>> >  Ripper Jack
>> >
>> >  Terror; 1
>     ^^^^^^^^^
>Is this a typo, or has something changed in the new
>system?  A terror of 1 wouldn't scare a feebled
>grandmother on acid.  Maybe a terror 5 if it's
>supposed to be not so scary.
>I dunno about him.  The commiting suicide part are
>limits his usefullness.  Maybe either have:
>a) The claws as cursed gloves, ala Friday the 13th:
>the series (speaking of which, has anyone used items
>from that series?)
>b) A snake oil salesman selling a tonic that turns
>people into mutant freaks like Ripper Jack
>c) A host creature which lives inside Ripper Jack. 
>Whenever Ripper Jack dies, he returns to being a
>normal corpse, and the last victim rises as the new
>Ripper Jack.  The only way to kill him is to remove
>his claws and burn them while the present Ripper is
>still 'Alive'.
>d) Ignore Ripper Jack and use the serial killer in LA
>that's mentioned in one of the books (think it's the
>Tales of Terror book)

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Lee Iacocca:
It found a better car, which was on the other side of the road.