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Re: [DL] Bizzaro logo

> It was an ad for Doomtown, but it was just. . .
>wrong.  First, it reffered to the game not as Doomtown
>but as Deadland (not even Deadlands mind you, just
>Deadland), second, it reffered to the town as gehannah
>instead of gamorrrah.  
>But the part that real freaked me out was the truely
>wierd looking logo.  The logo did have the proper "s"
>on the name, but nothing else was right.  It looked
>like a streetsign, was the wrong color and font, and
>had a perfectly normal little set of cow horns on it. 
>I was wondering if anyone else has seen this Bizzaro
>Deadlands logo?  
>If so, does anyone know who was responsable for it,
>why it wasn't used further, and if there's a web copy
>out there? 

That is likely an initial advertisement from FRPG back when they first
licensed the game from Pinnacle.  

Before they sold themselves to WotC.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Lee Iacocca:
It found a better car, which was on the other side of the road.