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Re: [DL] Plot Help

> I
> need some ideas for a Museum.
> You see the posse will head for a Private Museum
> guraded by the Agency
> and I want to make it a bit quirky or even downright
> strange, any ideas
> would be brilliant.

Well Max, I think the afformentioned ideas (especially
the random refrence book idea) have a lot of merit. 
Still, here are my three ideas. 
First, you could make it a museum of medical oddities.
 Basicly, it's a freakshow, but all the exhibits are
stuffed, mounted, and preserved.  Most of the exhibits
are things like elephentitus sufferers and genetic
abnormalities and birth defects, but the agency uses
it as a front for the storage of several real
abomination corpses.
The second option is a wax museum.  In addition to the
all around creep as hell quality of a wax museum,
Deadlands offers seemingly limitless options for
wierdness in on.  Perhaps were dealing with wax
golems? I for one would love to see the look on a
group of players faces when a wax statue of Abe
Linchon comes to life and beats the living tar out of
them.  Another good option is one I saw on TV
reciently (although I don't recall the show), where
under the wax, there were real dead bodies.  Hmmmm. .
. Say, maybe one of the bodies came back afer being
turned into a wax statue of Dr. Helstromm or some one
else. . .  
The third idea, which is the one I personally favor,
is a variation of the maltese falcon trick.  In so
much as, it is not the items in the museum which are
bizzare, but it is the museum itself which is strange.
 Now there are any number of wats in which one can do
this, constantly changing arcitectural styles,
gargoyles, features which are there one moment gone
the next, doors that open up to brick walls,
staircases leading to nowhere, etc. . . You might want
to pick up a copy of FBI's Grimetooth Lite for some
good ideas, or even (god help me for suggesting it)
The Haunting. 

Jason Hawver
AKA Boyd Malenko
"Hmph. . . That's the third biggest flesh-eating possum  I've seen today"
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