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[DL] Arcane Backgrounds

Hi List,
Happy New Year, hope everybody had a good one.

A good number of months ago I posted a mail saying that I had ideas for
several New Arcane Backgrounds, some of which are now up and running
upon my page, there are also a number of excellent AB's from various
people so here is a list.

Arcane Backgrounds: Contributed.

Brian Leybournes: Wildman (As featured in the recent Worms discussion).

B.D. Flory's Fiddlers. (Interesting Alternative to a Huckster). 

Dominic's Druids. 

My Creations.

Coming soon: Maestrom (Expanded Tempests), Malforms (1877 Mutants),
Artificers (British Inventors), Psychics and Wu (Oriental Magicians).

The main pages URL is: 
