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[BNW] Bombers and moans from my players (Long)

I got some good news Friday.  The players in my campaign have decided to put the game on hold until there are a few more books out.  They are unhappy with the following things:
Unclear ruling on how many powers a Gadgeteer can put into an item
Improving their characters.
Right onto the first one.
I have said this before.  Bombers are obscenely hard.  Yeah, they get two arms and then think about running.  My bomber just blows himself up and is now complaining that DP are sending really tough people after him.
Anyway, that part I can deal with.  What I am getting at is that no matter what part of the body he blows up, he multiplies it by his size.
His arm is not size 7.  For a full torso explosion, sure, I'll let him have size, but not an arm.  There is an example of a bomber in the book who blows up in Patriots face.  I tell you this, unless Patriot was some sort of invulnerable hero with 4 delta points and armour on, he was at least going down.  Even with a pretty poor damage roll, multiplying by size can do a lot of damage to someone.
Most character types are size 5 wearing some sort of armour  (5 / - ).  Average strength of 3 is 3 wounds.
Bomber rolls 2D6+2xSize for an arm (think it is right, can't find book).  Say he rolls 4.  +2 is 6 times size (use my bomber as example Size 7 - really hefty) is a total of 42.
Minus 5 armour is 37 divided by size (5) is 7 wounds massive.  That is dead or at least KO'd by spending delta points.  If the poor smuck is laying there and someone survives the bomber blows another arm and splat! No more bad guys.
In my game, the bomber did this at the end of the ripper scenario.  The other players felt cheated as he blew one arm, then blew the other (rolled a 6 and spent delta points) to stop what happened next - I threw something extra at them :).
I don't know if anyone else has used bombers yet, but they are a tad OTT IMHO.
What I am suggesting is that they get double damage for an arm / leg and possibly size plus one for full body boom.  Sure, blowing totally is a huge amount of damage, but he reforms an hour later...trapped under tonnes of rubble and no one knows he is there!!  Muhahahahaha.
That leads me onto the player complaining that he can't see where he can take his character.  "All I can do is blow up."
that really ragged on me.  I told them all that they can come up with new tricks.  I suggested that as the bomber (chief complainer) reforms a limb after an hour that he could do a trick where he could regenerate somehow.  He would need 2 successes on a healing roll to heal an extra wound level. 
He instead got shaped charge, touched a location on a target and smiled and told me that it is applied to all locations.  I was not amused.  I've now ruled that shaped charge is to a single location when touching.  He wanted me to see what you guys thought of it.  Hopefully I can get some back up from Matt on this.
They all want to be able to gain additional packages and somehow improve their characters.  I just told them to thing about tricks they could do with what they got.  Then there is the moan that the tricks are a little restrictive.  Bombers and blasters are damage freaks.  Why can't they do other things?  I was fighting a losing battle with them, plus they wanted more info on what was going on, so we shelved the game until crescent city comes out.
I'll get onto the Gadgeteer now.  He has 3 items with 5 powers in them.  Only one is offensive - a powered down energy blast, but the rest are saying that he is able to build more gadgets in the future and he has no restrictions on how much he can put in them.  See the gadgeteers description in the main rules - they can do that.
None of what he asked for was OTT, but he has 15 different things he can do - levitate, go invisible, track, blaster, a medical kit to give a +5 healing bonus to name but a few.
Sure he spends a lot of time maintaining things, but he is a jack of all trades.  If I say one gets damaged in a fight or stops working, I feel like I am taking away his creativity. 
I still think that gadgeteers need their own sourcebook, possibly with some refined rules, incorporating the rules from Delta Prime (which are great) and giving additional gadgets, some of which may be available to DP and some to the defiance.  Some help here on putting some restrictions would be good, even if it is just to preserve my sanity.
Anyway, we are having a discussion Tuesday night on what they feel is a problem (they had a meeting and decided to tell me after they had a decision to put it on hold for a while) and then I will be putting it all out here for discussion and assistance.
Overall, they really loved playing, but there were similarities with Deadlands when it first came out - great system, too many holes that needed filling in.  We will be back playing the game, have no doubts there, but players will be players!
Thanks for taking time in reading, suggestions and help would be good.