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Re: [BNW] white House Snuffer Fields


My PROBLEM with no power source (and it has absolutely nothing to do with 
MAKING new packages or Alpha level powers)

It is abundantly obvious ALL the powers have a common source. What that 
source is we have no clue. The source of the powers can have a major impact 
on the playing of the power. On the choice of mechanics for the power. On 
the house rules for dealing with wonky things that players throw at you.

Every decision I have to make on how these powers connect is one potential 
step away from the 'metaplot'. And since I am missing a basic portion of the 
world base, (where do the powers come from?) my point of departure is much 
more sharply angled. If I diverge enough, I may simply not be able to avail 
myself of ANY commercial support for this game.

My reason for buying a commercial product is because it is supported. I pay 
a designer to test and implement this product so that I don't have to. And I 
pay to be provided with enough information on the BASICS of the premise of 
HOW THE WORLD works to be able to wing a few things without alienating my 
game from the support base.

Player A is a gageteer. He flies his Delta designed and maintained power 
armor into New Alcatraz. Does it fail? Is his 'delta' power armor being 
'constantly' supported by delta power which fades away. Hence needing 
maintenance. Or is it just wonky tech that needs constant 'tweaking' to keep 
it running? Either answer is a MAJOR divergence. Delta powered, well the 
progression down that way is clear. Traditional scientist simply couldn't 
EVER make it work, or learn anything from it if they got a hold of it. It 
can be suppressed by standard equipment. Oh, yeah it took me about 10 
seconds to figure that if this is how it works... then why not design a 
device that can syphon the necessary delta energy off whoever is wearing it, 
regardless of maintenance? However, if it is just science so far out there 
that it needs constant adjustment by the designer. Well, why can't he 
maintain more than 1 a day? It's not like there aren't 23 more hours left. 
And what about reverse engineering more basic items from the edged tech. And 
the thing about the cutting edge is that it is always slicing forward. 
Leaving things in it's wake. When does "delta" tech slip into common 

If you can't see WHY it is important to maintain at least an approximate 
line with the published materials in order to partake of the commercial 
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