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[BNW] Re: BNW's Popularity

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 19:46:54 EDT
> From: dead_boy1@hotmail.com
> Subject: [BNW]  BNW's Popularity
> Does anybody know if BNW is coming out in paperback format, or it's not
> selling very well?
> I ask this, because in the GenCon Pre-Reg book, AEG (At least that's who I
> think is running it) is running a GMing seminar and it costs $15, WITH the
> main rulebook included.  Now, the book costs $30, when I checked. So,
> it's not selling well, and they're trying to get rid of it, or it's in
> paperback. At least, that's what I think. Does anybody know what's going
> Ed

Well, remember that you're dealing with the manufacturer at this point. The
book doesn't have to be marked up to retail for them to make a profit. I
remember Shane (Deadlands) saying that they had about $4 in a hardbound
book. Once they sell to retail, they only get $10 back. But if you sell
direct, your profits went from $6 to $26. Keep in mind this price actually
excludes art, so the costs/profits are a little skewed.

But selling a book for $15 if they had $7 in total cost in the book would
*still* be a healthy profit. This way, people think they're getting a deal
(they are), AEG still makes their money (and maybe more than normal), and an
ass of people will be leaving with the rulebook. If half bought just *one*
more book, it's paid off 100 fold. And how many people will like the game
and permanently buy into it?  A lot, I hope. (as I'm sure AEG does!).
