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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, William Davis wrote:

>-----tinker, gadget, clunk------
>Well, I don't have the book in front of me, but I believe that it
>states that a Gadgeteer can only maintain one gadget at a time.  Thus,
>while the gadget wouldn't need to be messed with for 24 hours, as soon
>as the delta moved to another gadget the first wouold require eight
>hours to put in working order instead of one
>--------fully repaired---------
>By george, you're right.
>That makes it even worse. A pretty much one to one ratio of Armageddon suits 
>to DP gadgeteers. Umm, I don't think A-suits are anywhere near as common as 
>the impression the book gave. That's just ugly.
>Anyone else think this is a big dent in the "world"

This, however, is not entirely true.  The Gadgeteer, being a Delta, is
more valuable than a reg in a suit, so of course they won't want to
send one out with DP teams, if possible.  However, they'll still want
a full day's work out of one, and by putting in a 9 hour day two suits
can easily be maintained, giving a fairly reasonable 2:1 ratio of DP
Gadgeteers to A-suit wearers.  A-suits would thus be much more common
than any single type of Delta.

.."Homo sum, human nihil a me alien puto" - Terentius
  "I am human, I consider nothing that is human alien to me" 
