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RE: [BNW] An Idea

In a message dated 4/20/2000 12:37:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sraby@asymtek.com writes:

	[Actually I did not write this statment, but I did agree that it
does seam to me to be a posibilty that the city is displaced and not
destroyed. Where did all that land go? Perhaps it's just that I did not
gather that the blast did spread debires everywhere, but it did not seam to
me that would work, it was my understanding that the bomb was on top of a
building this would not create the kind of crater described, as this would
be an air burst not even a Nuke would make a crater like that (as a air
burst, as a sub surface burst perhaps but it would have to be one hell of a
bomb). Were talking Megablast here (ahgg, their it is again). Super
Sillyness ;p OMK (only Matt knows)]

<< . The effects of the bomb seem to have broken a primary
 >law of physics - Matter can neither be created or destroyed only
 >converted. >>

Isn't that ENERGY can't be created or destroyed, only changed??
Theo?      Physics-Geek?  ;)

	[He's busy wasting electrons, (is that wasting as in the Punisher
wasted the mob guys or more like a he wasted a lot of bullets on them, and
should have used a bomb,) man am I glad I have tomorrow off I am getting to
silly today.]

(Running and wishing that my Bargainer had a Teleporter Mojo bag!!!)

Two Gun Mojo
SASS #30412
"I got my mojo workin'"

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