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Re: [BNW] New game for me

>certainly, the DP sourcebook could paint them in a better light, but it
>would have been nice to have seen that side of things before being 
>"propaganda" about them.
>maybe this is part of the mega-plot unfolding...

Could be.  At this point, IMO, it's hard to say.  On the other hand, I think 
to some degree we _did_ see that part of things in Patriot's narration of 
his DP activities in Ravaged Planet.

>true, one could play a DP agent in europe ala Bond, but the thrust of the
>game is fighting fascist america.

Is it?  The narrative requirements really demand that a Defiant (Truth) 
narrate the first book.  But how much of the actual basic book really pushes 
the against-the-government agenda when it boils right down to it?

Now, with Ravaged Planet, I would tend to agree with you a bit more 
(although the idea of overseas DPs is first presented there).  Again, part 
of this is Patriot's presentation.  But then again, that whole book 
is...odd.  Again, it is IMO the fact that it is presented as a "Player's 
Guide."  Perhaps there is a meaning for such a term out there that I'm 
unaware of.  But every definition of "Player's Guide" I've ever seen is one 
which RP fails to meet.

The Defiants SB is, of course, Defiant-oriented.

>a question, only having a  couple deadlands book and never seriously 
>in a campaign, how does their mega-plot unfold. is it chronological or is 
>more piecemeal.

Well, some of both.  I'm more of a Hell on Earth type, so would speak to 
that.  I haven't seen Boise Horror yet, but so far the "plots" don't seem to 
be progressing at all.  The bad guys get tougher, there are a few hints of 
something coming together here and there.

Most of the "plot" is presented as far as witnesses' accounts of pre-war 
incidents (the emergence of Junkers and Cyborgs, mostly).


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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