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Re: [BNW] New game for me

>certainly players do not have to choose to be defiant, but most folks i 
>are not big fans of oppressive govts, so there is really one main enemy.
>i'm a fan of ambiguity, and it seems in BNW the bad guys are pretty clear

Sure.  But then again (and I'll agree it may be somewhat of a narrative 
misstep, although the delay in release of the DP book may have hurt it as 
well), and as Theo noted, all we've heard is the Defiant side of the story.

And even with that...I don't know about you, but the idea of playing a 
overseas foreign-ops Delta Primer (such as Patriot was before "going rogue") 
strikes me as a very appealing one.  It kinda goes back to the "Suicide 
Squad" concept (from DC) that I mentioned a while back.

>i wasn't referring specifically to the official Defiants group, just 
>in the sense that they are not part of the DP goon squad.

I don't think that BNW to date has presented DP entirely as a "goon squad."  
That's certainly where the Defiance's focus has been on - the internal 
travesties against its own citizens.  And since everything to date has been 
told from a Defiance point of view...

Even so, I think Patriot, in Ravaged Planet, paints a decent picture of the 
good that DP does.  Narratively, he kinda has to...otherwise we the reader 
wonder how such a despicable "goon" switched sides, or why we should care.

>maybe some players would like to be part of DP and slip on a nice pair of
>jack-boots, but how fun would a game where you break into people's houses
>and do what you like to them for the cry of justice and heroism be?
>oh wait, lots of people play D+D don't they...

Don't know about that.  But maybe some players would like to be part of DP, 
go overseas, life a James Bond life of derring-do with a Blaster-power 
tucked away in your pocket for emergencies, and fight folks who make King 
Jack look almost...benevolent by comparison?  How much of a chance have 
folks given your PCs a chance to do that to date?

>Barak Blackburn
>Angelfire Ambassador


Steve Crow

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