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RE: [BNW] New game for me

>As far as my Deadlands campaign goes I have been amazingly lucky in that
>most of the plots I developed worked with later supplements (or got
>tweaked to work). In several cases I would develope two seperate plots and
>the supplements that came out afterward would give me a way to link the
>plots into an overall campaign. This made my players think I was a master
>of intricate plots, in all honesty I was just lucky (and maybe a little
>skilled in fact manipulation).

You and me both, luck wise.  :)

>So bottom line is, I like the unfolding story method. Personal taste, I

And I think that's what it boils down to.  If someone (in general) don't 
like the meta-plot style, fine, I ain't going to argue anyone out of that.  
It's personal taste.  You're not going to like the BNW approach.  However, 
such an approach is a popular and long-standing one, so it's kinda unfair to 
complain about BNW taking a similar one.

But...if you think BNW fails as a meta-plot story (and I think Matt was 
pretty upfront that that was the approach he was taking), then how do folks 
think it fails?

As per my previous post to Theron, I don't think BNW _is_ a meta-character 
creation system, which seemed to be his complaint against it.  Sure, 
specialized rules for Bargainers and Gadgets are coming out, but basically, 
everything you need to create a character is in the first book (or, being a 
bit stricter, the second book, tops).

>-Theo McGuckin, operations
>"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
>can be!"


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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