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Re: [BNW] New game for me

> The problem with Rifts (IMHO) is that the difference in PC's abilities can
> really mess things up. It's hard to strike a balance in Rifts, IF you have
> Juicer (super fast martial artist), a Heavy Borg (Think Terminator who
> traded his skin for armor and big guns), and a Scout (Mad Max without the
> car). Now the Juicer is always (just about) going first the borg will
> around forever and the smallest pistol can vaporize the poor Scout if he
> not careful. If you send opposition to take on the borg the scout is kinda
> left out (Unless the player is smart or resourceful, but that is up to the
> player not the rules) and if you send small stuff for the scout the borg
> juicer can make short work of them.

Hey I just had a great Idea of hjow to make rifts more balenced! its totaly
new and origonal

OK the playerts all play normal human vagbonds that wander the destert, but
they have these things called 'rifteballs' which are magic balls about the
size of a cricket ball that can 'suck up' rifts creatures that they beat up
in a fair fight. after they have captured one of these 'RiftseMon' they can
they use it to fight other 'RiftseMon' pwhich can be captured in turn.

Soon the players will acumalate many of these Riftsemon which they can train
to go up expereince levels and fight with other RiftseMon trainers!

Rifts-e-Mon, gota catch 'em all!

I Choose YOU PikaGodJucier! use your SpiderTank attack!
