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Game Balance was:RE: [BNW] New game for me

>My Shooter tried a fight with my Goliath. He shoot and shoot, doing one or
>wounds, and then my Goliath smashed his head. My Shooter than changed

>I mean, the game is very unbalanced even with a single power (think only at
>Goliath and a Goliath/Bargainer that can switch off his negative
>Instead of making more pawer packages that already made heroes can't buy,
>Pinnacle/AEG have to make many more tricks.

Well yes at 2" away a Goliath should smash his head. It is a kind of
situational thing.
The Goliath can do nothing out of arms reach (except throw things, or use a
gun) the blaster is set up to attack at range (tricks of course can affect
this). If the Blaster lets the Goliath get close then either the situation
was out of his control or he was not thinking about survival. 

Use the setting to help you. Blaster and Goliath in the city fighting, head
for a gas station and lure the Goliath to it then shoot the station (of
course legal implications could alter this choice). Try to blast a hole in
the ground, if the big guy goes around blast the building next to him down,
or the Telephone pole (won't work in Crescent city) down.

Work smarter not harder. 

Look around you (ask your GM) what can you use to help the situation.
Battles don't happen in a vacuum.