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Re: [BNW] New game for me

> Well 2 is a compromise to the players. They heard about the Alpha
> of 3-4 packages and wanted that,

hehe you ever played vampire the masquerade? I always wanted to play that
with some of the more annyoning 'ahhh but ewan my poor fool! now ;you own me
a BOON! MUHUHUHUHHAHAHAHA'  players but, and hers the cool part, instead of
a vampire I would be playing a rifts character! picture the scene.....

Annoying person "you have crossed me for the last time puny childer! now
suffer my wrath!!!!"
 to gm: im using my full potence rating to stake ewans charcter out in the
sun MUHUHAHAUHA and theres nothing you can do!

GM: well roll it then hmmm 12 successes. no im afraid that just dosnt seem
enough wrestle him to the ground

AP: what!!!! 12 successes!! hmm he must be using some sort of mind power!
well I focus my 5 dominate to subdue his puny intelect to my will

GM: "ewan roll your saving throw"

Ewan: "16 I save! phew!"

AP what do you mean saving throw!??!

Ewan "I blast AP for 76 points of mega damage with my firey breath!"

AP: megawhat?

GM: "im sorry ap your charcter and half the city is destroyed in an inferno
like blast"

Ewan: "right now i teleport to AP's sire and give him a big smooch *giggle*"

*sigh* anyway enough of my crazy powermad dreams
