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[BNW] population statistics

Ive just bought the main rule book and have a few questions concerning the background
1: what percentage of the population exhibit delta powers of significance
2: what percentage of these are  childern, DP's, defiants, registered etc
3: what is the response time of DP? if the PC's do a bank job or start blasting away in public how long before DP/police turns up, how much ordance do they bring (comic has attack helo and tank!), how many will be Deltas
4: can you get around registering? ie register and then use a differnt name/move. how closely do they keep tabs on you
5: how dose the general population react to non offensive use of delta powers? there are pictures of delta flying around and stuff in book, does joe public run screaming, open up with a trusty .44 call the police, stand around staring, ignore what is a common thing in crecent city?
6: cars seem to be almost indestructable!!!! am i wrong but it seems that you can shoot a 120mm rocket at a harley and it will be +2 TN to drive and a blaster with maxed out stats and using all his delta points and a power up trick can only just scratch a chevy metro!
7: while im on the subject of blasters, what about thier 'go through armour' power? what do you mean by 'skin' armour? what about DP power armour? or a gageteers powersuit
8: barginers, is there realy enough information on them to actualy let a PC be one? how much does it cost to make a totem? why dont you get covens of barginers mass producing totems? I know it would be the first thing my PC's would try. can you just buy totems from such groups? how much would they charge?
9: How much effort does DP go to in hunting down deltas? are there road blocks and stop and search points at state boundaries?
10: the internet. the internet as described in the main book seem to be much more free than the one in real life. how the hell does www.deltatimes.com keep its domain name for example! can DP track you down through your ISP? what is meant by limited and full net access?
11: the defiants, I suppose I should buy the book, but what the hell are they fighting for and how do they go about it? gorrila tactics in the woods? random bombing? assination of known government sympathisers?
OK I think thats all for now :)