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[BNW] Bone Breaking, healing

OK, I put out a previous mail on my problem with having to beat someone to a 
bloody pulp and hospitalize them for a while in order to simply knock them 
out. I have been pondering this, and came up with several solutions. Most of 
which were too 'complicated' for this 'simple' focused game..... but I think 
I came up with a good one...

There are now two types of damage. Bruises and wounds. A delta has a number 
of bruises and wounds per location equal to their strength plus any power 
bonuses. (a 5d6+3 str character has 8 bruises and 8 wounds per location)
All damage is considered as "bruise" damage unless otherwise stated prior to 
attack (see wounds). Bruise damage does not cause any long term injury and 
can be healed via a Strength (5) roll once per hour. Do not apply injury 
modifiers to this roll (as per normal healing). (additional successes DO 
heal additional Bruises) Note: a Delta with any kind of fast healing power 
will heal ALL bruises in one hour, no roll necessary. If a player takes 
bruises equal to or greater than his strength in a location, that location 
is rendered 'incapacitated' until the bruises are healed. If this occurs on 
the head or torso, the delta is knocked out. A character who is knocked out 
can roll to regain consciousness as per the normal rules.

Wounds occur in one of two ways and are treated in almost all respects as 
per normal 'wounds' rules. The first way to incur wounds is for the Delta to 
take damage in excess of his bruises in an area. Any bruise damage taken in 
that location is then applied to wounds. The second way for wounds to occur 
is for the attacker to state prior to rolling that he is "shooting to kill". 
Any damage from this attack is applied immediately to wounds. Any attack can 
be made lethal in this manner unless it is specifically limited to 
'bruising' (perhaps a new trick, power, or weapon, like KO gas... who 
knows). If damage in a location exceeds the number of wounds the delta has, 
that location is crippled. If this occurs in the Head or Torso, the Delta is 
The highest total wounds+bruises in a location is your injury modifier to 
dice rolls.

Note: there are no "negative" wounds or bruises in this fix. This makes it 
easier for someone who is "shooting to kill" to put someone down for good. 
This was intended. I plan to use the "lethal" attacks to add tension and 
depth to certain scenes and NPCs. People will react to it and perceive it as 
a more 'brutal' injury. The rarity of lethal attacks will depend a lot on 
the players. If they choose to be killers, then like force will be used 
against them. If they restrain themselves, then restraint will be shown. The 
cops really hate having to take deltas to the hospital, more paperwork, more 
risk of escape, or hostage situations. Better to get them into jail and give 
em an icepack. Besides, damage em too much, and the scientists get peeved 
that they can't perform a good power analysis.
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