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[BNW] KO and stunned

OK, I know this game is supposed to remain simple, but...

Anybody else have a problem with the fact that you have to literally beat 
someone to a pulp to knock them out?
And that there is no additional effect for hitting someone who is stunned 
(beyond them being relatively defenseless)? (that is there is no "he's got 
him on the ropes effect")
Almost every combat ends up in at least several days of serious rest to heal 
up. And if you are playing even remotely 'real' they'd have to see a doctor 
to have any hope of healing fast. And in the real world a doctor MUST report 
any 'violent' injuries (knife wounds, gunshots, etc.) to the local police. 
And if you don't think going to a doctor in Delta Prime's USoA is more 
hazardous to your health than the original fight, you're probably 
registered. (in my world there are 2 prime squads on station at each 
hospital. one accompanies any 'hot' ambulance call) the other is there to 
handle any situations that arise. Hope one of the defiants has a sympathetic 
doctor as a contact....
My team was really upset at how long it took them to heal up from a normal 
fight. and they were really annoyed at having stunned the goliath, and then 
having to hit him like 5 more times while he was stunned in order to finally 
knock him out. (by the rules, he should have gotten a stun check on each 
hit, and would have 'unstunned' himself 2 times if I hadn't thought that was 
real stupid). This is when we realized they had to do like 9 wounds to knock 
him out. (basically, break a bunch of ribs, or his jaw etc.) Which is going 
to take the goliath over a week and a half to fully recover from (only 1 
wound healed per day).
Our fix was to say that if you fail a stun check while you are already 
stunned, you are knocked unconscious. When unconscious, you get 1 roll per 
turn to wake up with a target number of 15 (plus any wound modifiers). once 
you wake up you are still stunned until you make a normal roll to become 
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