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Re: [BNW] Ok Lets get some notes going

>Ok how did you people see the Fantastic Four movie. I thought that was 
>released in any form.
>Punisher wasn't that bad. Captain America was much worse.

I saw it at a convention at a dealers booth. Watched it as I wandered around 
a bit...it was like a car wreck - I couldn't turn away. A fom ruber Thing 
with abs...Dr. Doom's plastic armour, a 28 year old Reed with obvious white 
paint on his temples, and the horrid effects for Torch...Ug, my brain is 
still scarred.

As for punisher, it was a sub-par action flick with a few good bits. But I 
loose it every time he decends into the casino with the M-60... the look on 
his face, he looks so stupid, like he's constipated.

And thanks for reminding me of the Cap movie. An Italian Skull I might have 
been able to live with...but that plastic shield that went "Klang!" And he 
hardly wore the costume, which they trashed...ugh.

Blade, tho, was good, but I don't really classify it as a super hero 
movie...more of an action/horror cross. Dorif was great.

Ahh, hollywood. "Let's base a film on a hugely popular character, but toss 
out his set origin and everything that people like about him/her."

GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid"
Forgive me Father, for I have made a grevious error in judgement

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